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Renovations Project Management & Interior Design | London

Bethell Projects specialises in interior design and project management from loft conversions and large-scale renovations, to redesigning kitchens and bathrooms.


At Bethell Projects we create beautiful & functional homes, fulfilling our clients' practical requirements & aesthetic goals. Each project is unique, so we work together with our clients to turn 'wish lists' into reality.

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Design Inspiration

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We are always delighted to be featured in blogs and articles and are proud to say it's happened on several occasions! 

 To share our inspiration for your home renovation and design project, give us a call on 07899 904133 or email

Bethell Projects features in Period Living

Have you ever wondered what happens when an interior designer/project manager is allowed to unleash their talent on their own home?

That’s exactly what Period Living wanted to find out with our very own Rebecca Bethell. Take a look at the article below.

Very pleased to come to you recommended by local families who are members of

Very pleased to come to you recommended by local families who are members of